Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Down the rabbit hole (at U of R)

It may not seem like much, but our tiny Student Health Center on campus is pretty awesome. We went to ask a few questions one day and here is everything we learned all compiled into one wonderfully helpful blog just. for. you.

First of all we'd like to point out that the Health Center is open Monday-Friday 8am-11:30am and 1pm-4:30pm and you can reach them at ext. 8021. If you need a doctor right away it is important to look HERE because that is where to go if the Health Center is closed.

Things we learned:
~ office visits are FREE (no matter what it's about)
*this includes cold vs flu questions, chronic diseases, TB screenings, sport physicals, evaluation and treatment of injuries, health education AND women's health exams!

~ if you go in for a women's health exam they ask you about your sexual history, give you a pelvic exam, and a PAP smear (which looks for cancerous or precancerous cells and is $10).
*Then they see if you want to be checked for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea ($20), HIV and
Syphilis ($14). If needed, a Complete Blood Count test is $6 and a basic blood chemistry test is $8.

~ they offer the birth control pill($10/month), the Depo Provera birth control shot($50/3month) and condoms

~ they have ECPs, the morning after pill, for $15.

~ if any other lab test needs to be done they can easily give you the price.

~ they can give you any other prescriptions that you need for an additional fee

~ unfortunately if you need an x-ray or something along that nature they won't be able to accommodate you, but will refer you to a nearby hospital.

These women are amazingly thorough and it's really affordable. Props to the UoR Student Health Center

Get in touch with the Student Health Center! For those of you who, like me, don't understand where you get the number to dial BEFORE the extension, just dial this: (909) 793-8021. Now get in there and get checked out or just as some questions!

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a really good idea for a's something that is not so widely publicized around campus. Thanks for sharing!
